Ερευνητής, Τεχνολογία και Μηχανική Τροφίμων
Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Αγροτικών Προϊόντων
☎ +30 210 2845940 (γραφείο)
- Ακαδημαϊκή εκπαίδευση -
- 2003: Dipl. Ing. Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- 2009: Ph.D. Food Technology and Engineering, 2009, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- 2009: Associate Researcher, Postdoc research, National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering
- 2023: Senior Researcher, Postdoc research, National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering
- Διορισμοί -
- 2019–today: Assistant Researcher (Researcher grade C), Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, ELGO-DEMETER
- 2017–2019: Assistant Research Scientist (Researcher grade D), Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, ELGO-DEMETER
- 2015–2017: General Manager, GEODI SA, Fruits products producer, Greece
- 2003–2017: Consultant, R&D Specialist, Occupational Health and Safety Engineer in various Greek companies
- Διδακτικές Δραστηριότητες -
Προπτυχιακά μαθήματα
Επιστήμη και Μηχανική Τροφίμων (ΕΜΠ):
- - Food microbiology
- - Food Sorption isotherms
- - Non-enzymatic browning in foods
- - Enzymatic browning of foods
- Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα/Δραστηριότητες -
- Non-thermal process technologies
- Kinetic modelling of food deterioration during and post processing
- Quality and shelf-life predictive modelling
- Food packaging and preservation
- Predictive microbiology
- Enzyme technology
- Επιστημονικές Δημοσιεύσεις/Αναφορές -
- 70 publications in refereed journals and book chapters
- >250 presentations in National and International scientific conferences and proceedings
- >1000 citations (H-index = 19)
- Κορυφαίες πέντε δημοσιεύσεις -
- Katsaros G., Tsevdou M., Panagiotou T., Taoukis P. (2010). Kinetic study of high pressure microbial and enzyme inactivation and selection of pasteurization conditions for Valencia Orange Juice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45 (6), 1119-1129.
- Katsaros G.I., Katapodis P., Taoukis P.S. (2009). High hydrostatic pressure inactivation kinetics of the plant proteases ficin and papain. Journal of Food Engineering, 91(1), 42-48.
- Gogou E., Katsaros G., Derens E., Alvarez G., Taoukis P.S. (2015). Cold Chain Database development and application as a tool for the cold chain management and food quality evaluation. International journal of refrigeration, Volume 52, pp. 109-121
- M. Giannoglou, P. Stergiou, P. Dimitrakellis, E. Gogolides, N. G. Stoforos, G. Katsaros (2020). Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma Processing on Quality and Shelf Life of Ready-to-Eat Leafy Salads. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 66(6): 102502
- M. Giannoglou, P. Dimitrakellis, Α. Efthimiadou, Ε. Gogolides, G. Katsaros (2020). Comparative Study on the Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma, Ozonation, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields and High Pressure Technologies on Sea Bream Fillets Quality Indices and Shelf-Life. Food Engineering Reviews, 13(1), pp. 175-184.
- Επιλεγμένες Διακρίσεις -
- 5 silver and bronze awards in the Greek competition for the creation of eco-innovative food products (ECOTROPHELIA) (2011-2017)
- Representative for Greece at the European Food Technology and Engineering contest of PhD researchers presenting my PhD work (2008)
- Bestowed for 3 of my peer reviewed papers from the Thomaideio Awards (2016)
- Awarded 3 times for my presentations at the IFT conference (2006, 2017 and 2020)
- Έργα και Ακαδημαϊκές Δράσεις -
- Scientific Responsible or/and coordinator of more than 30 National and European projects of ELGO-DEMETER (22 currently)
- Auditor for SGF Association
- IFT member, Greek Technical chamber member
- Certified Evaluator of HACCP System
- Evaluator of Greek and European Programs